"Or do we need to try a different path, one that involves embracing, rather than pathologically shunning, trial and tribulation?"

I reckon it's going to be forced on an increasingly large percent of the population, as the power grid stops working so well. Inflation continues. Shit breaks and nobody knows how to fix it.

People/societies who shun challenges are missing out. Nothing feels better than conquering something difficult.

Also, I'm reminded of that scene from the final Matrix movie. The be-suited gentlemen who programmed the Matrix said that in an early iteration they created a utopia and the humans completely rejected it. We are not designed for that kind of environment.

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I think it will be forced on most, but there's a difference between being forced to endure hardship, and cultivating a culture that values hardship for the rewards it brings. I guess what I'm suggesting is that those of us who want to try and carve something out for the future should be mindful not to try to make it 'easy', but instead teach people to be resilient.

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