How To Survive The Apocalypse
How to Survive the Apocalypse
Can We Escape this Technocratic Nightmare?

Can We Escape this Technocratic Nightmare?

We need to have a serious conversation about how to regain our freedom

“No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.” — William Blum

Last week, Tucker Carlson broadcast a segment on the JFK files. For the last 40 years, it has been illegal to hide the contents of those files, yet today, the majority have still not been publicly released. Carlson talked to an unnamed insider, who told him: “Everything is a lie”.

Everything is a lie. I guess if you’ve been paying attention the last few years, by now, you already know that. From government to banking, journalism to the health industry, science, the charity sector, the food industry — you name it, everything we thought we knew is turning out to be built upon the shifting sands of falsehoods and corruption.

What does this mean for people who want to live a good life freely? How can we extract ourselves from a corrupt system when that system is everything we know?

In this podcast episode, Josh and Donna Rachel ask exactly that. The answer may terrify you.

Show notes

"No, Bitcoin doesn't solve this..." The Unhedged Capitalist. December 12, 2022.

"We were shocked to learn this" (JFK files) Tucker Carlson / Fox News. December 16, 2022

"It happened so fast" (Richard Vobes interview) Paul Joseph Watson / Anything Goes. YouTube. December 17, 2022

Richard Vobes’ channel can be found here.

Join the conversation! What do you think we need to do to stay free in this technocratic age?

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How To Survive The Apocalypse
How to Survive the Apocalypse
Join Josh & Donna in Jerusalem as we discuss the causes of our civilisation's collapse, and what we can do as individuals and as a people to survive it.