How To Survive The Apocalypse
How to Survive the Apocalypse
The Backlash Has Begun

The Backlash Has Begun

No Amnesty!

“Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty!” The Atlantic chirped breezily this week. “No, let’s not.” the rest of the world replied.

It feels like we’ve been through the five stages of grief over the last two years, as we mourned the loss of our freedom. First there was the utter terror many felt as the state moved in to destroy their lives: collapsing businesses, locking people up in their homes, and introducing mandates that made the unvaxxed second class citizens.

Then, as that pressure lifted, PTSD set in — for some, in a very real way. As governments dropped mask mandates, many were still afraid to board a bus or enter a supermarket, not over concerns about catching the virus, but because they were frightened of the Covidians who took it upon themselves to yell at the maskless with righteous zeal.

For the last six months or so we’ve been living in a twilight season. The fear has slowly worn off, yet there has been no resolution. It seems we are all expected to just go back to how things were. But as anyone who has been through a traumatic event knows, there is no going back.

This week, with the publication of The Atlantic’s article, the floodgates have opened. People have finally been given permission to be angry — and angry they are.

Now, that anger is making itself felt at the ballot box. Country after country has swung to the right: Italy, Sweden, Germany, next week it will be America’s turn. On Tuesday, Israel returned Benjamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu to the role of Prime Minister, in a coalition with three religious-right parties.

In line with Europe and America, the left has reacted by howling loudly. Unlike Europe and America, their cries of ‘wolf’ are no longer hollow. The left’s boogeyman has finally materialised. One of the three parties can accurately be described as ‘far right’ — it’s second in command is a man who called for Rabin’s assassination, and who has, in the past, displayed framed photos of terrorists in his home.

A few weeks ago this podcast asked: could the left provoke a resurgence of the far right? So far, the answer had been ‘No’. Has Israel now bucked that trend? And what could it mean for us all, as the West struggles with the question of national identity, and what we want our countries to be?

Join Donna Rachel and Josh as we delve into these topics and more. And don’t forget — if you enjoy, please share!


Show Notes (click titles for links)

“Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty” Emily Oster. The Atlantic. 31 October, 2022.

“Do Not Forget. Do Not Forgive.” The Rageaholic / YouTube. 2 November, 2022.

“Fifth time’s a charm? ToI’s guide to the 39 parties vying for your vote, again” Carrie Keller-Lynn, Haviv Rettig Gur, Tal Schneider, Jacob Magid and TOI staff. Times of Israel. 26 October, 2022.

“It took 4 voting rounds to normalize Ben Gvir. By the end of the 5th, he’s a star” Jacob Magid. Times of Israel. 1 November, 2022.

“The Hollywood Power Brokers Mugged by Reality” Peter Savodnik. Common Sense. 3 November, 2022.

“A letter from Sweden: The far right is shifting public norms” Julie Lindahl, WBUR, 26 October, 2022.

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How To Survive The Apocalypse
How to Survive the Apocalypse
Join Josh & Donna in Jerusalem as we discuss the causes of our civilisation's collapse, and what we can do as individuals and as a people to survive it.